Reem Nasri Address and Contact Number

Reem Nasri Contact Phone Number is : +963 9946577277

and Address is 2100 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1540 in Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Nasri is of Palestinian heritage and was born in Toronto, Canada. Since the age of 6, he has been singing, writing songs and playing the guitar. He started to become well known, won competitions and signed with Universal Canada when he was 19. Reem Nasri is a musician from the Syrian Arab Republic who performs Assyrian Folk music as a subgenre. Nasri released a new album called Inner Love Energy. Nasri released a remix of "Good Feeling About You" featuring FBC Tadoido and Akatu Oficial. Nasri has an Instagram account where she shares photos and videos. Reem Nasri is a popular Syrian singer known for her strong and melodious voice. She is famous for her songs "Ya Magnoon" (Oh Madman), "Shakhsya Aneeda" (Stubborn person), and "Tasawar" (Imagine). In 2017, she won the Best Arab Singer award at the Dear Guest Awards for her album Mohtama bel Tafaseel (Concerned with Details). The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Reem Nasri is mentioned in below section.

Address of Reem Nasri

The address of Reem Nasri is 2100 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1540 in Los Angeles, CA, USA..

Contact Number of Reem Nasri

The contact number of Reem Nasri is +963 9946577277.

Email Address of Reem Nasri

The email address of Reem Nasri is

Website of Reem Nasri

The Website of Reem Nasri is Not Known.

Contact Person of Reem Nasri

The contact person of Reem Nasri is Reem Nasri.

Reem Nasri Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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