Assala Nasri Address and Contact Number

Assala Nasri Contact Phone Number is : +971 544474920

and Address is West Corniche Road - Al Ras Al Akhdar - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates.
Assala Mostafa Hatem Nasri, commonly known as Assala, is a Syrian singer. Assala Nasri is a Syrian singer who is famous for her melodious voice, humanitarian efforts, and support for Syrian civilians during the Syrian Civil War. Throughout her illustrious journey, Assala has released over 25 albums and numerous hit singles, earning acclaim and a dedicated fan base. Beyond her musical pursuits, she also graces the television screen as the host of the popular program, "Soula." arab artist Assala Nasri has been ranked first among the top 50 Arab voices according to the Moivo Awards. Her powerful voice has also been honoured with the title of "The Voice of All Nations." She is distinguished by her strong and unique voice. Her first album “Law Terafo” has not been forgotten up until this day. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Assala Nasri is mentioned in below section.

Address of Assala Nasri

The address of Assala Nasri is West Corniche Road - Al Ras Al Akhdar - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates..

Contact Number of Assala Nasri

The contact number of Assala Nasri is +971 544474920.

Email Address of Assala Nasri

The email address of Assala Nasri is

Website of Assala Nasri

The Website of Assala Nasri is Not Known.

Contact Person of Assala Nasri

The contact person of Assala Nasri is Assala Nasri.

Assala Nasri Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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