Jason Segel Address and Contact Number

Jason Segel Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is California, United States.
Jason Jordan Segel is an American actor, screen writer, musician, singer and songwriter and he was born on January 18, 1980 in Los Angeles, California, United States. He is Famous for his role in CBS hit sitcom “How I Met Your Mother” as Marshall Eriksen. He has done his Schooling from Hebrew School and St. Mathew Parish School and Jason finally completed his high Schooling from Harvard-Westlake School. He did not attend any College and acted in local theatre productions at Palisade Playhouse. In year 1999 he acted in NBC Comedy Drama Series Freaks and Geeks and it was his first major role. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Jason Segel is mentioned in below section.

Address of Jason Segel

The address of Jason Segel is California, United States..

Contact Number of Jason Segel

The contact number of Jason Segel is NA.

Email Address of Jason Segel

The email address of Jason Segel is .

Website of Jason Segel

The Website of Jason Segel is .

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Jason Segel Address Contact Number
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