Jason Kenney Address and Contact Number

Jason Kenney Contact Phone Number is : +403-225-3480,Fax No:+ 403-225-3504

and Address is 1168, 137 Avenue, SE, Calgary, AB T2J 6T6, Alberta, Canada
Jason Kenney is Minister of Employment and Social Development and Minister for Multiculturalism in Canada. He is member of the Canadian House of Commons since 1997. He represents the Calgary Southeast in the Canadian House of Commons. He is member of Conservative Party of Canada. Jason T. Kenney is born on May 30, 1968 in Oakville, Ontario. He completed his high School at Athol Murray College of Notre Dame. Then he studied philosophy at University of San Francisco. He is the grandson of jazz musician Mart Kenney. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Jason Kenney is mentioned in below section.

Address of Jason Kenney

The address of Jason Kenney is 1168, 137 Avenue, SE, Calgary, AB T2J 6T6, Alberta, Canada.

Contact Number of Jason Kenney

The contact number of Jason Kenney is +403-225-3480,Fax No:+ 403-225-3504.

Email Address of Jason Kenney

The email address of Jason Kenney is jason.kenney@parl.gc.ca.

Website of Jason Kenney

The Website of Jason Kenney is www.jasonkenney.ca.

Contact Person of Jason Kenney

The contact person of Jason Kenney is Jason Kenney.
Jason Kenney Address Contact Number
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Linda F Mackenzie Customer Phone Number
Ms. Linda F MackenzieMay 21, 2022
I believe that Jason Kenney has done an excellent job for Albertans and for Alberta No other Premier - besides Ralph Kline - has worked so tirelessly for Alberta and her people as Jason has Not ONE politician in Canada has been immune to making mistakes throughout the pandemic - which was a first for ALL Canadians - so to keep blaming Jason for mistakes made is totally unfair Brian Jean is nothing more than a sore loser who is undermining everything that Jason accomplished - with absolutely NO ideas of his own and Danielle Smith is a floor-crosser and a quitter who now wants to come back into Alberta politics AFTER Jason has worked his tail off to balance our budget, open up our province to more opportunities, praising our O and G industry and accomplishments to other jurisdictions to get more projects/pipelines built, improved our educational system so our kids are actually learning things that will guide and help them throughout their lives. I PRAY Jason runs again for the WIN.
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Mr. mervFeb 02, 2021
Jason, trump. The entire world has seen how trump babbles yet about fake news. Kenny blames the media for, 'picking on Alberta. Should we expect that next kenny will blame Jane Fonda, Meryl Streep, Neil Young and 16 year old Greta for being guided by lazer beams from space to target the oil sands as trump's Qanon idiots have said about democratic lazers from space to start a fire in florida to make room for rail transit and democratic lazers from space causing the fires in california over the last few years. Kenny gambled 1. five billion and CO-SIGNED six more FOR trans canada pipelines, a corporation that has the money to buy Alberta. ?
kenny cries because the Canadian Gov't won't start a war with the states to support what everyone knew for ten years may not happen. ?
kenny says it's the media's fault that 'NOBODY', wants more coal mines, ?
in my view,
kenny talks like trump and loses credibility every time he opens his mouth to blame others for his 'PITFALLS'.
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Ms. MP Kusie OfficeAug 17, 2020
Good afternoon, The number you have posted for Jason Kenney's phone number is inaccurate. Jason Kenney is no longer the MP for Calgary Midnapore and is now the Premier of Alberta - as such he no longer operates out of the Calgary Midnapore Constituency office. The number you have posted still directs towards the Calgary Midnapore Constituency office. However, the current member of Parliament for Calgary Midnapore if Stephanie Kusie. Please correct your number for Jason Kenny to 403.238.1212. Thank you.
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