Binh Tay Market Address and Contact Number

Binh Tay Market Contact Phone Number is : 848-857-1512

and Address is 578 Thap Muoi St, Ho Chi Minh City, 70000
Binh tay market is a general market in Vietnam, provides daily household products. The market was renovated after the damaged in the market and soon after, "The New Market" was designed. Although the market is used substantially in the Country. The natives finds its very easy for them to buy the things from the market. The seniors, or ones who has resided close by lengthy enough to know the record of this old industry. The address and contact number of Binh Tay Market is also used for Binh Tay Market review, Binh Tay Market map, Binh Tay Market vs Ben Thanh market and Binh Tay Market opening hours. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Binh Tay Market is mentioned in below section.

Address of Binh Tay Market

The address of Binh Tay Market is 578 Thap Muoi St, Ho Chi Minh City, 70000.

Contact Number of Binh Tay Market

The contact number of Binh Tay Market is 848-857-1512.

Email Address of Binh Tay Market

The email address of Binh Tay Market is .

Website of Binh Tay Market

The Website of Binh Tay Market is

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Binh Tay Market Address Contact Number
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