South Melbourne Market Address and Contact Number

South Melbourne Market Contact Phone Number is : +61392096295

and Address is 322-326 Coventry Street, South Melbourne Victoria 3205, Australia
South Melbourne Market is a local as well as community market which was opened in the year 1867 at South Melbourne, Victoria of Australia. Since 1867, the market is upgrading in order to include new designs, buildings and other market refurbishments. The Market is architect in a Victorian Style where buildings are furnished with wood and red bricks. The Market is open for four days only i.e. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The market not only sells fruit and vegetables but also recognized as a Fashion as well design industry which includes popular brands such as Bleeker Street Vintage, Stone Glint & Bone handmade jewellery & leather bags, Mr. Simple Men’s Street Wear, etc. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of South Melbourne Market is mentioned in below section.

Address of South Melbourne Market

The address of South Melbourne Market is 322-326 Coventry Street, South Melbourne Victoria 3205, Australia.

Contact Number of South Melbourne Market

The contact number of South Melbourne Market is +61392096295.

Email Address of South Melbourne Market

The email address of South Melbourne Market is

Website of South Melbourne Market

The Website of South Melbourne Market is

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South Melbourne Market Address Contact Number
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