American Greetings Address and Contact Number

American Greetings Contact Phone Number is : (216) 685-9167

and Address is Brooklyn, Ohio, U.S.
American Greetings is a greeting card Company which is situated in Ohio, United States. American Greetings was founded in 1906 by Jacob Sapirstein. It is the largest greeting card Company in the world. It is headquartered in Brooklyn, Ohio. The Company offers paper greeting Cards, electronic greeting Cards, party decorative items, and ringtones and wallpapers. American Greetings has other greeting card subsidiaries such as the Carlton Cards, Tender Thoughts, Just For You, and Gibson brands. The address and contact number of American Greetings is also used for American Greetings address headquarters, American Greetings world headquarters address, American Greetings corporation headquarters, American Greetings contact number, American Greetings store locator, American Greetings carlton Cards and American Greetings News. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of American Greetings is mentioned in below section.

Address of American Greetings

The address of American Greetings is Brooklyn, Ohio, U.S..

Contact Number of American Greetings

The contact number of American Greetings is (216) 685-9167.

Email Address of American Greetings

The email address of American Greetings is .

Website of American Greetings

The Website of American Greetings is

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American Greetings Address Contact Number
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Mr. Ray HumphreySep 03, 2022
I purchased a new year of service though Blue Mountain owned by American Greertings; however, I have been unable to access man account. Although they suggested on August 31, 2022 to change my password, nothing has worked. I asked for a refund for this year and they now will not acknowledge me at all.
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