Aka 7even Address and Contact Number
Aka 7even Contact Phone Number is : +39 0963330014
and Address is Vico Equense, Campania, Italy.Luca Marzano, known professionally as Aka 7even is an Italian singer, rapper and songwriter. He released his first studio album Aka 7even in May 2021, which peaked at number three of FIMI's album chart and was certified platinum in Italy. On 14 November 2021, he won the MTV Europe Music Award for Best Italian Act at the 2021 MTV Europe Music Awards in Budapest, Hungary. His main influences include Bruno Mars, Justin Bieber and The Weeknd, but his signature style is actually quite personal.The successful Italian artist AKA 7EVEN (Sony Music) has released a new version of "I believe" by KAMRAD, a kind of feature. And he despirately working for his upcoming music projects and concert. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Aka 7even is mentioned in below section.
Address of Aka 7even
The address of Aka 7even is Vico Equense, Campania, Italy..Contact Number of Aka 7even
The contact number of Aka 7even is +39 0963330014.Email Address of Aka 7even
The email address of Aka 7even is info@sevenspa.it.Website of Aka 7even
The Website of Aka 7even is www.seven.eu.Contact Person of Aka 7even
The contact person of Aka 7even is Aka 7even.Email this information
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