Zainab Market Address and Contact Number

Zainab Market Contact Phone Number is : +92-21-5675701

and Address is Avari Towers Hotel, Abdullah Haroon Road, Karachi, Pakistan
Zainab Market is a renowned clothing center which resides in Saddar near Avari Towers Hotel, Karachi (Pakistan). As the market resides in the popular tourist’s area, so it attracts millions of visitors throughout the year. The market features shops for textiles, leather clothing, t-shirts, craft items and many more. Zainab Market is a two level building where first level is meant for Children’s as well as females and second level provides exclusive range of males clothing that are of high quality and brand. Shawls, tapestries, needlework items and sheets are also available in the market. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Zainab Market is mentioned in below section.

Address of Zainab Market

The address of Zainab Market is Avari Towers Hotel, Abdullah Haroon Road, Karachi, Pakistan.

Contact Number of Zainab Market

The contact number of Zainab Market is +92-21-5675701.

Email Address of Zainab Market

The email address of Zainab Market is .

Website of Zainab Market

The Website of Zainab Market is .

Zainab Market Address Contact Number
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