Yuman Address and Contact Number
Yuman Contact Phone Number is : +39 706-233-7246
and Address is 1185 S 4th Ave. Yuma, AZ 85364, Washington, D.C.Yuri Santos Tavares Carloia, known professionally as Yuman, is an Italian singer-songwriter. In 2018 Cataldo produced Yuman's debut single "Twelwe", which was on rotation on mainstream Italian radio. In 2019 he obtained a recording contract with the label Universal Music Italia, with whom he released his debut studio album "Naked Thoughts", which was anticipated by the single "Run". Yuman is a major player in the Pop and Indie Pop music scenes, and his songs never fail to enthrall listeners everywhere. Yuman has a deep and husky vocal timbre that accompanies an extremely eclectic range of genres and sounds, from pop to electronica. Yuman's most recent single, "Qui (2022)," is a pleasant and upbeat tune that highlights his distinctive vocal range and musical aesthetic. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Yuman is mentioned in below section.
Address of Yuman
The address of Yuman is 1185 S 4th Ave. Yuma, AZ 85364, Washington, D.C..Contact Number of Yuman
The contact number of Yuman is +39 706-233-7246.Email Address of Yuman
The email address of Yuman is yumansantos@chargers.com..Website of Yuman
The Website of Yuman is www.herelab.com.Contact Person of Yuman
The contact person of Yuman is Yuman.Email this information
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