Victoria Market Address and Contact Number

Victoria Market Contact Phone Number is : +61393205822

and Address is Corner of Victoria St and Elizabeth Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000, Australia
The Queen Victoria Market formerly known as Queen Vic Markets or Queen Vic is a popular landmark which is located in Melbourne, Australia. It is also known as the biggest open air market of the Southern Hemisphere. The market reflects the Melbourne culture as well as heritage, due to this reason the market has listed in the Victorian Heritage Register. The name of the market is originated from the ruler of British Empire named as Queen Victoria. Apart from being a Famous tourist destination, the market also provides poultry, fresh fruits & Vegetables, deli foods, meat, seafood, gourmet and many more. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Victoria Market is mentioned in below section.

Address of Victoria Market

The address of Victoria Market is Corner of Victoria St and Elizabeth Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000, Australia.

Contact Number of Victoria Market

The contact number of Victoria Market is +61393205822.

Email Address of Victoria Market

The email address of Victoria Market is .

Website of Victoria Market

The Website of Victoria Market is

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Victoria Market Address Contact Number
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