University of Michigan Medical Center Address and Contact Number

University of Michigan Medical Center Contact Phone Number is : +1 734-936-4000

and Address is 1500 E Medical Center Dr, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, United States
University of Michigan health System (UMHS) is a public medical center which is situated in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. It was established in 1997. University of Michigan health System (UMHS) is also known as U-M health System. It is one of the main medical and Research institutions in the united States. Ora Hirsch Pescovitz is the executive vICE president of the UMHS. U-M health System offers various Programs such as Bioinformatics Program, Cancer Biology training Program, Craniofacial Anomalies Program, medical Scientist training Program, Postdoctoral Research training Program, Reproductive Sciences Program, Women's health Program and many more. It is spread in an area of 128 acres. UMHS has 2,492 academic staff and 18,923 admin staff. The address and contact number of University of Michigan medical Center is also used for University of Michigan medical School anatomy, University of Michigan medical School admissions, University of Michigan medical School tuition, University of Michigan medical School ranking, University of Michigan medical twitter and University of Michigan medical School mission Statement. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of University of Michigan Medical Center is mentioned in below section.

Address of University of Michigan Medical Center

The address of University of Michigan Medical Center is 1500 E Medical Center Dr, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, United States.

Contact Number of University of Michigan Medical Center

The contact number of University of Michigan Medical Center is +1 734-936-4000.

Email Address of University of Michigan Medical Center

The email address of University of Michigan Medical Center is .

Website of University of Michigan Medical Center

The Website of University of Michigan Medical Center is

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University of Michigan Medical Center Address Contact Number
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