University of Manchester Address and Contact Number

University of Manchester Contact Phone Number is : +44 161 306 6000

and Address is Oxford Road, Manchester, Greater Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom
University of Manchester is a public higher Education institution situated at Oxford Road, Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom. The institution was established on October 22, 2004. It offers Bachelor's degree and master's degree courses in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Atmospheric and Environmental Science, Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, Environment and Development, arts and many more. The institution has well qualified staff of 3849 teachers and more than 39,165 Students. It is affiliated by Universities Research Association, Russell Group, EUA, NWUA and among others. The institution has furnished with Urban and Suburban facilities. The address and contact number of University of Manchester is also used for University of Manchester Ranking, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Manchester Webmail and University of Manchester Accommodation. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of University of Manchester is mentioned in below section.

Address of University of Manchester

The address of University of Manchester is Oxford Road, Manchester, Greater Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of University of Manchester

The contact number of University of Manchester is +44 161 306 6000.

Email Address of University of Manchester

The email address of University of Manchester is .

Website of University of Manchester

The Website of University of Manchester is

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University of Manchester Address Contact Number
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