Sunghoon Address and Contact Number

Sunghoon Contact Phone Number is : +82 052-217-2611

and Address is 150 Bunji, 2ga, Taepyong Ro, Chung Gu, Seoul 100-716, South Korea
Park Sung-hoon, known mononymously as Sunghoon, is a South Korean singer and former figure skater. He competed as a figure skater from 2010 to early 2020; while simultaneously being a K-pop trainee since 2018. He retired from the sport and debuted as a member of the South Korean boy band Enhypen in November 2020. The other members of Enhypen voted him as the member who is most willing to sacrifice for the success of the group. Park began to attract attention with supporting roles in SBS' Three Days (2014), Six Flying Dragons (2015–2016) and Don't Dare to Dream (2016). It was through the film Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum (2018) and KBS 2TV's My Only One (2018 –2019) that he garnered more popularity. He is known for being diligent and self-disciplined, and for pushing himself to succeed. He is more reserved with strangers, but is very friendly with people he is close to. Park Sunghoon is best known for being a member of the South Korean boy band Enhypen, where he debuted after a successful career as a competitive figure skater, often recognized for his past achievements in the sport before becoming a K-pop idol; he is particularly known for his elegant skating style and strong technical skills. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Sunghoon is mentioned in below section.

Address of Sunghoon

The address of Sunghoon is 150 Bunji, 2ga, Taepyong Ro, Chung Gu, Seoul 100-716, South Korea.

Contact Number of Sunghoon

The contact number of Sunghoon is +82 052-217-2611.

Email Address of Sunghoon

The email address of Sunghoon is

Website of Sunghoon

The Website of Sunghoon is

Contact Person of Sunghoon

The contact person of Sunghoon is Sunghoon.

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