Southend Hospital Address and Contact Number

Southend Hospital Contact Phone Number is : 01702 435555

and Address is Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Prittlewell Chase, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, SS0 0RY
The National health ServICE ( NHS) was founded in 1888. In 1987 the Queen Victoria Jubilee, began a public fund with the aim of making a medical center and site for Southend's first medical center. The Ministry of health was taken this Hospital, in 1948 under the new NHS. In this Hospital 157 doctors are working. The Hospital divided in various section such as Surgical Services, Audiology ( Hearing assessment clinic ), Breast unit, Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT), Oral & maxillofacial surgery, Orthodontics, Outpatients, Surgery, Urology, Nephrology (renal Medicine), Neurology, Sexual health etc. The address and contact number of Southend Hospital is also used for Southend Hospital consultants, Southend Hospital jobs, Southend Hospital gum clinic, Southend Hospital a&e, Southend Hospital blood tests, Southend Hospital visiting times, Southend Hospital eye clinic and Southend Hospital radio.
Fax: 01702 385856, Neurology clinic reception 01702 385305 The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Southend Hospital is mentioned in below section.

Address of Southend Hospital

The address of Southend Hospital is Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Prittlewell Chase, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, SS0 0RY.

Contact Number of Southend Hospital

The contact number of Southend Hospital is 01702 435555.

Email Address of Southend Hospital

The email address of Southend Hospital is

Website of Southend Hospital

The Website of Southend Hospital is

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Southend Hospital Address Contact Number
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