Sonal Chauhan Address and Contact Number

Sonal Chauhan Contact Phone Number is : 034564193707

and Address is Noida, Delhi, India
Sonal Singh Chauhan is an Indian model and actress. Sonal Singh Chauhan was born on 16 May 1985 in Bulandhshahpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. Sonal Singh Chauhan is the first Indian to have claimed Miss World Tourism title. she did her debut in Movie 'Jannat' opposite Famous actor Emraan Hashmi. The address and contact number of Sonal Chauhan is also used for Sonal Chauhan Biography, Sonal Chauhan Instagram, Sonal Chauhan Songs and Sonal Chauhan Santabanta. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Sonal Chauhan is mentioned in below section.

Address of Sonal Chauhan

The address of Sonal Chauhan is Noida, Delhi, India.

Contact Number of Sonal Chauhan

The contact number of Sonal Chauhan is 034564193707.

Email Address of Sonal Chauhan

The email address of Sonal Chauhan is .

Website of Sonal Chauhan

The Website of Sonal Chauhan is .

Contact Person of Sonal Chauhan

The contact person of Sonal Chauhan is Sonal Singh Chauhan.
Sonal Chauhan Address Contact Number
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Santo DeMay 16, 2013
very talented, diligent and most beautiful actress.
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