Serhii Babkin Address and Contact Number

Serhii Babkin Contact Phone Number is : +380 (67) 571 27 33

and Address is 4-16, Rogozivska Street, Kiev, Ukraine.
Serhii Mykolaiovych Babkin is a Ukrainian singer and actor who became the lead singer of the 5'nizza music band, the coach of the Holos Krainy, and the participant in the Tantsi z zirkamy. Serhii Mykolaiovych Babkin (born 7 November 1978) is a Ukrainian singer and actor who became the lead singer of the 5'nizza music band, the coach of the Holos Krainy (VII and VIII seasons), and the participant in the Tantsi z zirkamy (V season).Serhiy Babkin is rightfully considered one of the most talented, outspoken and charismatic Ukrainian artists. 13 albums, clips, filming in large-scale Ukrainian TV shows and films, countless nominations and victories in top Ukrainian awards: YUNA, "Golden Firebird", M1 Music Awards, "VIVA! In 2019, Babkin was nominated for Song of the Year (Male Vocal) at the Top Hit Music Awards for the song "Where would I be?" The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Serhii Babkin is mentioned in below section.

Address of Serhii Babkin

The address of Serhii Babkin is 4-16, Rogozivska Street, Kiev, Ukraine..

Contact Number of Serhii Babkin

The contact number of Serhii Babkin is +380 (67) 571 27 33.

Email Address of Serhii Babkin

The email address of Serhii Babkin is

Website of Serhii Babkin

The Website of Serhii Babkin is

Contact Person of Serhii Babkin

The contact person of Serhii Babkin is Snizhana Babkina.

Serhii Babkin Source of Knowledge
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