Rania Kurdi Address and Contact Number

Rania Kurdi Contact Phone Number is : +962 65926908

and Address is Street Seydou Ali Kurdi, Building No. 13, Sweifieh, Amman PO Box 811784 Amman 11181 Jordan;
Rania Kurdi is a Jordanian-British Actor, singer and TV presenter. She has had a diverse career in the Middle East spanning over 20 years in TV, film, voice overs, theatre and where she topped the Arab pop music charts. She has had a diverse career in the Middle East spanning over 20 years in TV, film, voice overs, theatre and where she topped the Arab pop music charts. Kurdi has released two albums, her first with EMI Arabia and her second, Olli Leh with New Century Music where she topped the Arab pop music charts. Best known in the Arab world for her role paling 'Mona' in the Egyptian film 'The Seventh Sense'. As writer / Actor of her own comedy sketch show The Rania Show for 2 seasons on ( Roya Tv ) in Jordan . Hit song 'Shayef Nafsak' from the album Oulli Leh. Kurdi is now based in England and revels in being a bi-cultural, bilingual performer. She is currently writing a sitcom that sits at the intersection. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Rania Kurdi is mentioned in below section.

Address of Rania Kurdi

The address of Rania Kurdi is Street Seydou Ali Kurdi, Building No. 13, Sweifieh, Amman PO Box 811784 Amman 11181 Jordan;.

Contact Number of Rania Kurdi

The contact number of Rania Kurdi is +962 65926908.

Email Address of Rania Kurdi

The email address of Rania Kurdi is rania@raniakurdi.com.

Website of Rania Kurdi

The Website of Rania Kurdi is www.raniakurdi.com.

Contact Person of Rania Kurdi

The contact person of Rania Kurdi is Rania Kurdi.

Rania Kurdi Source of Knowledge

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