Prince Aly Khan Hospital Address and Contact Number

Prince Aly Khan Hospital Contact Phone Number is : 02223777800, Fax 02223743820

and Address is The Prince Aly Khan Hospital, Aga Hall Nesbit Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai
Prince Aly Khan Hospital Hospital was founded in 1945. Prince Aly Khan Hospital is a 162 bed multispeciality Hospital known for its treatment in oncology and cardiovascular diseases, and termed as a referral centre. The address and contact number of Prince Aly Khan Hospital is also used for Prince Aly Khan Hospital contact number, Prince Aly Khan Hospital doctors, Prince Aly Khan Hospital byculla, Prince Aly Khan Hospital map, Prince Aly Khan Hospital mazgaon address, Prince Aly Khan Hospital mazgaon, Prince Aly Khan Hospital nesbit road and Prince Aly Khan. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Prince Aly Khan Hospital is mentioned in below section.

Address of Prince Aly Khan Hospital

The address of Prince Aly Khan Hospital is The Prince Aly Khan Hospital, Aga Hall Nesbit Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai.

Contact Number of Prince Aly Khan Hospital

The contact number of Prince Aly Khan Hospital is 02223777800, Fax 02223743820.

Email Address of Prince Aly Khan Hospital

The email address of Prince Aly Khan Hospital is .

Website of Prince Aly Khan Hospital

The Website of Prince Aly Khan Hospital is

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Prince Aly Khan Hospital Address Contact Number
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