Neon Boneyard Address and Contact Number

Neon Boneyard Contact Phone Number is : (702) 229-5366

and Address is 810 Las Vegas Boulevard North, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Neon boneyard is a Museum located in Nevada. This is an Art Museum opened in the year 2012. The Museum preserves all the ancient American history. The Museum items and exterior is covered with colorful Neon lights. The Museum is mostly visited by the people of America at night. The Museum also collects and preserves the fine art material of old America. The Museum was started by the joining of the two organizations Allied arts Council of Southern Nevada and the City of Las Vegas in the year 1996. The address and contact number of Neon Boneyard is also used for Neon Boneyard discount code, Neon Boneyard tripadvisor, Neon Boneyard wedding, Neon Boneyard photo shoot, Neon Boneyard wedding pictures, Neon Boneyard Museum and Neon Boneyard tour. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Neon Boneyard is mentioned in below section.

Address of Neon Boneyard

The address of Neon Boneyard is 810 Las Vegas Boulevard North, Las Vegas, NV 89101.

Contact Number of Neon Boneyard

The contact number of Neon Boneyard is (702) 229-5366.

Email Address of Neon Boneyard

The email address of Neon Boneyard is .

Website of Neon Boneyard

The Website of Neon Boneyard is

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Neon Boneyard Address Contact Number
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