Nagoya University Address and Contact Number
Nagoya University Contact Phone Number is : +81 52-741-2111
and Address is 65 Tsurumaicho, Showa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture 466-8550, JapanNagoya University is a Japanese National University founded in 1939 as Nagoya Imperial University. The University is dedicated to promoting diversity of knowledge and to allowing versatile thinkers to give rise to community. On 1st April 2004, the Nagoya University is announced as a National University Corporation. This provides a fresh opportunity to meet up with its obligation of contributing to the world by seeking top quality knowledge and analysis under a more flexible administration. The University is among the National Seven Universities of Japan and located in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Nagoya University is mentioned in below section.
Address of Nagoya University
The address of Nagoya University is 65 Tsurumaicho, Showa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture 466-8550, Japan.Contact Number of Nagoya University
The contact number of Nagoya University is +81 52-741-2111.Email Address of Nagoya University
The email address of Nagoya University is of Nagoya University
The Website of Nagoya University is this information
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