Michael Ballack Address and Contact Number

Michael Ballack Contact Phone Number is : +49 0207 1010 553

and Address is Eighth floor, Dr Salvador Allende Strasse 168, Karl-Marx-Stadt, East Germany.
Michael Ballack is a German former professional footballer. He was selected by Pelé as one of FIFA's 100 Greatest Living Players, and as the UEFA Club Midfielder of the Year in 2002. He won the German Footballer of the Year award three times – in 2002, 2003 and 2005. Ballack was known for his passing range, powerful shot, physical strength and commanding presence in midfield. Ballack began his career as a youth at enterprise sports community BSG Motor "Fritz Heckert" Karl-Marx-Stadt in 1983. Ballack was a technically gifted player with an excellent passing range and the ability to move the ball efficiently. Ballack played for several clubs, including Bayern Munich and Chelsea, and was captain of the German national team. He is considered one of the greatest German football players of all time. Since retiring from football in 2012, Ballack has worked as a pundit for various outlets such as ESPN. Ballack is perhaps best known in England for his successful four-year stint at Chelsea, where he won the Premier League, three FA Cups, the League Cup and reached the Champions League final. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Michael Ballack is mentioned in below section.

Address of Michael Ballack

The address of Michael Ballack is Eighth floor, Dr Salvador Allende Strasse 168, Karl-Marx-Stadt, East Germany..

Contact Number of Michael Ballack

The contact number of Michael Ballack is +49 0207 1010 553.

Email Address of Michael Ballack

The email address of Michael Ballack is agent@championsukplc.com.

Website of Michael Ballack

The Website of Michael Ballack is www.michael-ballack.com.

Contact Person of Michael Ballack

The contact person of Michael Ballack is Michael Ballack.

Michael Ballack Source of Knowledge

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