Medina College Ozamis City Address and Contact Number

Medina College Ozamis City Contact Phone Number is : +123-4567897

and Address is Maningcol, Ozamiz City, Philippines
Medina College is an Institute which is located in Ozamis City of Philippines. The College provides all kinds of Education facility to Students of the Country. The founders of Medina College believe to provide every parts of Education to each and every young age people of Philippine. With that motto the College was first opened for public in year 1963 and later become one of the best privately owned Institutes. The College is efficient in different professional knowledge such as Law, Business administration, pharmacy, Radiology, medical and computer science etc. The College is controlled and managed by group of trustees which take all important decisions for the welfare of Students. The fax number of College is +123-45678987. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Medina College Ozamis City is mentioned in below section.

Address of Medina College Ozamis City

The address of Medina College Ozamis City is Maningcol, Ozamiz City, Philippines.

Contact Number of Medina College Ozamis City

The contact number of Medina College Ozamis City is +123-4567897.

Email Address of Medina College Ozamis City

The email address of Medina College Ozamis City is

Website of Medina College Ozamis City

The Website of Medina College Ozamis City is

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Medina College Ozamis City Address Contact Number
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