Medi Assist Tpa Address and Contact Number

Medi Assist Tpa Contact Phone Number is : 080 - 26584811

and Address is 47/1, 9th Cross, 1st Main Road, Sarakki Industrial Layout, 3rd Phase, J P Nagar, Bangalore – 560 078, India
Medi Assist India TPA Pvt. Ltd. is a Third Party Administrator lICEnsed by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority. Medi Assist aims to provide outstanding customer servICE by providing access to high quality health care in a cost effective. The address and contact number of Medi Assist Tpa is also used for Medi Assist customer care number, Medi Assist TCS contact, Medi Assist fax number, Medi Assist toll free number, Medi Assist Tpa claim form, Medi Assist Tpa pre auth form and Medi Assist Tpa online intimation. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Medi Assist Tpa is mentioned in below section.

Address of Medi Assist Tpa

The address of Medi Assist Tpa is 47/1, 9th Cross, 1st Main Road, Sarakki Industrial Layout, 3rd Phase, J P Nagar, Bangalore – 560 078, India.

Contact Number of Medi Assist Tpa

The contact number of Medi Assist Tpa is 080 - 26584811.

Email Address of Medi Assist Tpa

The email address of Medi Assist Tpa is

Website of Medi Assist Tpa

The Website of Medi Assist Tpa is

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Medi Assist Tpa Address Contact Number
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