Mardan Board Address and Contact Number
Mardan Board Contact Phone Number is : 0937-9230250, 0937-9230279
and Address is Mardan, PakistanThe Mardan Board was established to organize, control and develop high as well as secondary level Education and carry out examinations at different Schools affiliated to this board. This is the board of intermediate and secondary Education resides in Mardan and was built due to the Ordinance Act 1990. The Mardan Board aims at providing the best Education to their Students and helps them to achieve their respective goals. Moreover, it also arranges Seminars and Workshops for teachers so that they can achieve proper and correct information. Apart from Education, it provides healthy atmosphere for extracurricular activities and other entertaining events. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Mardan Board is mentioned in below section.
Address of Mardan Board
The address of Mardan Board is Mardan, Pakistan.Contact Number of Mardan Board
The contact number of Mardan Board is 0937-9230250, 0937-9230279.Email Address of Mardan Board
The email address of Mardan Board is .Website of Mardan Board
The Website of Mardan Board is .Email this information
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