London South Bank University Address and Contact Number

London South Bank University Contact Phone Number is : +44 20 7815 7815

and Address is 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA, United Kingdom
London South bank University is known as LSBU. London Bank University was founded in 1892.LSBU mainly promote the knowledge, health and industrial skill of men and women. LPSU provide good facilities to the Students with up to mark equipments.

London South Bank University spent a lot of Money for the improvement of the infrastructure. LSBU provides good teaching facilities. The full academic year is started from September to September batch. LSBU has more than 25000 Students. The staff ratio is approximately up to 1700.The undergraduates Students are 17571 and Postgraduates Students are 5692.The University has their official Website also. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of London South Bank University is mentioned in below section.

Address of London South Bank University

The address of London South Bank University is 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of London South Bank University

The contact number of London South Bank University is +44 20 7815 7815.

Email Address of London South Bank University

The email address of London South Bank University is

Website of London South Bank University

The Website of London South Bank University is

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London South Bank University Address Contact Number
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