Limketkai Address and Contact Number

Limketkai Contact Phone Number is : +63 88 856 8881

and Address is Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
The Limketkai Mall is one of the Famous and biggest shopping mall in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines, which is owned and managed by the largest Business district developer named Limketkai Sons, Inc. The Limketkai Mall was established in the year of 1992 and further renovated or expanded in 2003. The mall was designed by the Gozar Planners Architect. The total retail floor area covered by the two storeys Limketkai Mall is calculated as approximately 72,000 m² and has more than three hundred tenants. It has provided local, National as well as interNational brands of coffee shops, restaurants, boutiques, health clinics and fitness centers. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Limketkai is mentioned in below section.

Address of Limketkai

The address of Limketkai is Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines.

Contact Number of Limketkai

The contact number of Limketkai is +63 88 856 8881.

Email Address of Limketkai

The email address of Limketkai is .

Website of Limketkai

The Website of Limketkai is .

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Limketkai Address Contact Number
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