Lifetouch Address and Contact Number

Lifetouch Contact Phone Number is : +1 507-233-8841, +1 800-736-4753

and Address is P.O. Box 46993, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344, United States
Lifetouch is a photography Company located in Minnesota, USA. It was founded in year 1936 by Bruce Reinecker and Eldon Rothgeb and initially known as National School studios. In 1978 Reinecker handover 100 % Ownership of the Company to its employees, then it was renamed to Lifetouch. It offers various types of photography Services such as on site photography, Media Services, Portrait Studios and Year book & Directories. It does fulfil every photographic need of the people. Apart from its corporate headquarter Company is having its manufacturing units on more than 7 locations in the Country. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lifetouch is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lifetouch

The address of Lifetouch is P.O. Box 46993, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344, United States.

Contact Number of Lifetouch

The contact number of Lifetouch is +1 507-233-8841, +1 800-736-4753.

Email Address of Lifetouch

The email address of Lifetouch is .

Website of Lifetouch

The Website of Lifetouch is

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Lifetouch Address Contact Number
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