Lake Wallenpaupack Address and Contact Number

Lake Wallenpaupack Contact Phone Number is : (570) 226-3430

and Address is Pike / Wayne counties, Pennsylvania, United States
Lake Wallenpaupack is an artificial lake that was established in the year 1926 by the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company with the aim of hydroelectric. It lies on the border of Pike and Wayne counties. Its main source of the water in the lake is Wallenpaupack Creek river. Lake Wallenpaupack is spread in an area of approximately 9 square miles. It is the most Famous for various recreational activities such as ICE skating, ICE fishing, swimming, boating and more. Lake Wallenpaupack is abode of wide variety of fishes species such as rock bass, muskellunge, rainbow trout, lake trout, smallmouth bass etc. The address and contact number of Lake Wallenpaupack is also used for Lake Wallenpaupack weather, Lake Wallenpaupack Fishing, Lake Wallenpaupack Camping, Lake Wallenpaupack Fishing Report and Lake Wallenpaupack Hotels. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lake Wallenpaupack is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lake Wallenpaupack

The address of Lake Wallenpaupack is Pike / Wayne counties, Pennsylvania, United States.

Contact Number of Lake Wallenpaupack

The contact number of Lake Wallenpaupack is (570) 226-3430.

Email Address of Lake Wallenpaupack

The email address of Lake Wallenpaupack is .

Website of Lake Wallenpaupack

The Website of Lake Wallenpaupack is .

Lake Wallenpaupack Address Contact Number
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