Julie Anne San Jose Address and Contact Number
Julie Anne San Jose Contact Phone Number is : +63 (587) 834-1820
and Address is Philippines, Quezon City, CA 18060.Julie Anne San Jose is a multi-awarded musician, recording artist and performer from the Philippines. Among her many accolades includes 2 FAMAS Award, 5 Awit Awards, 3 Myx Music Awards, 4 PMPC Star Awards For Music and was inducted at the Philippine Walk of Fame at Eastwood City in 2015. She gained prominence with many GMA primetime and daytime dramas boosting her career as an actress. Over the course of her career, San Jose has achieved numerous accolades including the title of The Philippines' Pop Sweetheart. She has won several awards including Best New Female Recording Artist at the 22nd Awit Awards. San Jose is a best-selling recording artist in the Philippines and has won many awards, including: 2 FAMAS Awards, 5 Awit Awards, 3 Myx Music Awards, and 4 PMPC Star Awards For Music. San Jose was the 2025 Calendar Girl for Ginebra San Miguel. She shared her excitement about being part of the campaign and representing a brand that has supported women throughout the years. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Julie Anne San Jose is mentioned in below section.
Address of Julie Anne San Jose
The address of Julie Anne San Jose is Philippines, Quezon City, CA 18060..Contact Number of Julie Anne San Jose
The contact number of Julie Anne San Jose is +63 (587) 834-1820.Email Address of Julie Anne San Jose
The email address of Julie Anne San Jose is japs4socialmedia@gmail.com.Website of Julie Anne San Jose
The Website of Julie Anne San Jose is Not Known.Contact Person of Julie Anne San Jose
The contact person of Julie Anne San Jose is Dianne Camille Bernardo.Email this information
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