Jerry Costello Address and Contact Number
Jerry Costello Contact Phone Number is : +1 202-225-5661 ?
and Address is 2408 Rayburn Hob, Washington, DC 20515, United States ?Jerry Costello is a former American Representative from Illinois's 12th district. He was elected for the post in year 1993 and served the Country for 20 years. Finally his term for the post of representative came to an end in year 2013. Born in year 1949 he completed his Studies from Maryville University then later he joined Democratic political party. A Law enforcement offICEr by profession he served as a Bailiff in court of United States. The address and contact number of Jerry Costello is also used for Jerry Costello Judge, Jerry Costello Pierce County, Jerry Costello Group and Jerry Costello Committees . The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Jerry Costello is mentioned in below section.
Address of Jerry Costello
The address of Jerry Costello is 2408 Rayburn Hob, Washington, DC 20515, United States ?.Contact Number of Jerry Costello
The contact number of Jerry Costello is +1 202-225-5661 ?.Email Address of Jerry Costello
The email address of Jerry Costello is .Website of Jerry Costello
The Website of Jerry Costello is this information
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