Jaiz Bank Address and Contact Number

Jaiz Bank Contact Phone Number is : +234-9-4605162

and Address is No 73 Ralph Shodeinde Street Central Business District P M B 31 Garki, Abuja, Nigeria
The Jaiz Bank is a private non-interest bank in Nijeria. It is the first non-interest bank in Nigeria. It was established in year 2003 and is headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria. Central Bank of Nigeria, the National banking regulator gave Jaiz InterNational a lICEnse to operate as regional bank on November 11, 2011. Jaiz Bank plc. started its full operations in offICEs and branches in Abuja, Kaduna and Kano on January 6, 2012. The Company is owned by more than three thousand shareholders spread over the six geographical zones of Nigeria. It is a growing Financial Services provider in Nigeria. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Jaiz Bank is mentioned in below section.

Address of Jaiz Bank

The address of Jaiz Bank is No 73 Ralph Shodeinde Street Central Business District P M B 31 Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.

Contact Number of Jaiz Bank

The contact number of Jaiz Bank is +234-9-4605162.

Email Address of Jaiz Bank

The email address of Jaiz Bank is info@jaizbankplc.com.

Website of Jaiz Bank

The Website of Jaiz Bank is www.jaizbankplc.com.

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Jaiz Bank Address Contact Number
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Mr. Babatunde Raji OyekunleMay 17, 2016
Alhamdulillah Robilalamin for the success achieved of acquiring CBN national license. As a practicing Muslim that has been on the look out for a full Islamic bank and ready to put in my professional best in moving it forward, i will like to be given an opportunity to work and contribute my quota in moving it. Please, i will need where i can send my CV for your consideration.
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