Intercontinental Manila Address and Contact Number

Intercontinental Manila Contact Phone Number is : +63-2-7937000

and Address is No 1 Ayala Avenue, PO Box 731-D-3117, Manila 1226, Philippines
InterContinental Manila is the part of InterContinental luxury Hotel chain and is the largest Hotel chain in the Country. The Hotel was designed by National Artist Leandro Locsin. InterContinental Manila was started in April, 1969. It is the fist five star Hotel in the city and is the second InterContinental Hotel in Asia. InterContinental Manila has 332 guest rooms. Moreover, the Hotel has 56 suites and four restaurants. InterContinental Manila has 14 floors and are served with four Lifts/elevators. The top floor of the Hotel provides outstanding views of urban cityscapes. The address and contact number of Intercontinental Manila is also used for Intercontinental Manila Buffet, Intercontinental Manila Careers, Intercontinental Manila Tripadvisor , Intercontinental Manila Wedding Packages and Intercontinental Manila Agoda. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Intercontinental Manila is mentioned in below section.

Address of Intercontinental Manila

The address of Intercontinental Manila is No 1 Ayala Avenue, PO Box 731-D-3117, Manila 1226, Philippines.

Contact Number of Intercontinental Manila

The contact number of Intercontinental Manila is +63-2-7937000.

Email Address of Intercontinental Manila

The email address of Intercontinental Manila is .

Website of Intercontinental Manila

The Website of Intercontinental Manila is

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Intercontinental Manila Address Contact Number
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