Hafeez Contractor Address and Contact Number

Hafeez Contractor Contact Phone Number is : +91-022 2266 1920

and Address is G Vaidya Road, Kala Ghoda, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400023, India
Hafeez Contractor is an Indian architect who was born on 1950 in Parsi Family. The born place of the Hafeez Contractor is Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Hafeez is a participant of the BomBay Heritage Committee and New Delhi&sa=Search&ref='>Delhi Lutyens Bungalow Zone Review Committee. He has done graduate Diploma in architecture in the year 1975 from the University of Mumbai. He began his profession with operating in 1968 as an apprentICE with his uncle T Khareghat. The Imperial I and II building was designed by Hafeez contractor which is one of the Indian tallest buildings. He has worked in various projects all over the India. The address and contact number of Hafeez Contractor is also used for Hafeez Contractor House, Hafeez Contractor Biography and Hafeez Contractor OffICE Address. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Hafeez Contractor is mentioned in below section.

Address of Hafeez Contractor

The address of Hafeez Contractor is G Vaidya Road, Kala Ghoda, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400023, India.

Contact Number of Hafeez Contractor

The contact number of Hafeez Contractor is +91-022 2266 1920.

Email Address of Hafeez Contractor

The email address of Hafeez Contractor is .

Website of Hafeez Contractor

The Website of Hafeez Contractor is www.hafeezcontractor.com.

Contact Person of Hafeez Contractor

The contact person of Hafeez Contractor is Hafeez.

Hafeez Contractor Source of Knowledge

Hafeez Contractor Address Contact Number
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