Grasu XXL Address and Contact Number

Grasu XXL Contact Phone Number is : +40 736 300 700

and Address is 12 Bramble Avenue, Conniburrow, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, MK14 7AN.
Dragos Nichifor better known by his stage name Grasu XXL, is a Romanian singer, songwriter and producer. He is one of the founders of Romanian record label Okapi Sound since 2007. Romanian hip hop artist Grasu XXL is well-known for his contemporary hip hop sound. Grasu XXL is a Romanian musician who was born and raised in Bucharest. With an experience spanning for over 20 years on the Romanian scene, Grasu XXL is a true veteran, making him a perfect fit for the role of mentor. He launched his debut album in 2006. Popular Romanian hip hop artist Grasu XXL has established himself in the genre of modern hip hop music. The most popular song by Grasu XXL is “Turbofin” with a total of 18.5K page views. Nichifor is a two-time recipient of a Romanian Music Awards prize and a one-time nominee at the MTV Europe Music Awards for the Best Romanian Act. Together with Ami they won the National Selection for the Own Eurovision Song Contest 26, contest held in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Throughout his career he has done numerous of live shows and concerts. But unfortunately there are no concert dates for Grasu XXL scheduled in 2024. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Grasu XXL is mentioned in below section.

Address of Grasu XXL

The address of Grasu XXL is 12 Bramble Avenue, Conniburrow, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, MK14 7AN..

Contact Number of Grasu XXL

The contact number of Grasu XXL is +40 736 300 700.

Email Address of Grasu XXL

The email address of Grasu XXL is

Website of Grasu XXL

The Website of Grasu XXL is

Contact Person of Grasu XXL

The contact person of Grasu XXL is Dragos Nichifor.

Grasu XXL Source of Knowledge
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