Ghazal Sadat Address and Contact Number

Ghazal Sadat Contact Phone Number is : +971-9810190002

and Address is PO Box 123234, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 123234.
Ghazal Sadat is an Afghan singer and businesswoman.Sadat was born to an Afghani parents in the capital Kabul. Ghazal's entrepreneurial journey began to take shape in 2014 when she became active on Instagram, using the platform to cultivate a community of followers enthusiastic about lifestyle and beauty.Apart from creating bestselling and chart-topping songs that seemingly connect the unconnected, Ghazal is also a bonafide entrepreneur. Dangerously smart and fascinatingly eloquent when it comes to multiplying her success. Wanting to share her love for her culture and cuisine, she opened Kabana restaurant in Dubai. Ghazal Sadat is an Afghani singer who is very well known in her country. She is also a successful business woman with assets exceeding $ 10 million. Dangerously smart and fascinatingly eloquent when it comes to multiplying her success. Wanting to share her love for her culture and cuisine, she opened Kabana restaurant in Dubai. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ghazal Sadat is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ghazal Sadat

The address of Ghazal Sadat is PO Box 123234, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 123234..

Contact Number of Ghazal Sadat

The contact number of Ghazal Sadat is +971-9810190002.

Email Address of Ghazal Sadat

The email address of Ghazal Sadat is

Website of Ghazal Sadat

The Website of Ghazal Sadat is

Contact Person of Ghazal Sadat

The contact person of Ghazal Sadat is Ghazal Sadat.

Ghazal Sadat Source of Knowledge
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