Garland High School Address and Contact Number

Garland High School Contact Phone Number is : +1-972-494-8492

and Address is 310 Garland High School Garland, TX 75040, Texas, United States
Garland High School is an English coEducational public high School situated in Garland, Texas, United States. The School was opened in January 1989. It provides Education to 9-12 grade Students. The present superintendent of the Garland High School is Bob Morrison Ed.D and the principal is Atticus Wisene. It is a member of the Garland Independent School district. The Garland High School is one of the oldest of the district's high Schools. The School has a group of enthusiastic and certified teachers. It has more than 250 Students. Fax No: +972-494-8415 The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Garland High School is mentioned in below section.

Address of Garland High School

The address of Garland High School is 310 Garland High School Garland, TX 75040, Texas, United States.

Contact Number of Garland High School

The contact number of Garland High School is +1-972-494-8492.

Email Address of Garland High School

The email address of Garland High School is

Website of Garland High School

The Website of Garland High School is

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Garland High School Address Contact Number
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