Forrest Gump Bench Address and Contact Number

Forrest Gump Bench Contact Phone Number is : 912-651-6825

and Address is Chippewa Square, Savannah, Georgia, United States 31401
Chippewa Square is recognized for the Famous park bench scenes from the seriously recommended film Forrest Gump. In the starting shot of the Movie, a feather floats high over the trees, then sweeps down past the Separate Church and creates its way in the Direction of Chippewa Square, gradually touchdown at the base of a park bench. Tom Hanks, who performs the role of Forrest, sits on park bench for around 80% of the Movie telling his life history to anybody who will hear. That bench has since been taken off and located in the Savannah History Museum. But the place of the bench for the film in the square is still a well-known place for photographs. The address and contact number of Forrest Gump Bench is also used for Forrest Gump Bench Scene, Forrest Gump Bench Museum, Forrest Gump Bench Orange, Forrest Gump Bench Fripp Island, Forrest Gump Bench Quotes and Forrest Gump Filming Locations. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Forrest Gump Bench is mentioned in below section.

Address of Forrest Gump Bench

The address of Forrest Gump Bench is Chippewa Square, Savannah, Georgia, United States 31401.

Contact Number of Forrest Gump Bench

The contact number of Forrest Gump Bench is 912-651-6825.

Email Address of Forrest Gump Bench

The email address of Forrest Gump Bench is .

Website of Forrest Gump Bench

The Website of Forrest Gump Bench is .

Forrest Gump Bench Address Contact Number
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