Fab India Kolkata Address and Contact Number

Fab India Kolkata Contact Phone Number is : 033 2465 6955

and Address is Off Gariahat Road, Hindustan Park, Opposite South Indian Club, Gariahat, 16, Hindusthan Road, Kalighat, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Fab India is known as also FabIndia Overseas Pvt Ltd. Fab India is an India's largest industry situated on Hindusthan Road, Kalighat, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. The Company was established in the year of 1960 by John Bissell. The headquarter of the Fab India Company is located in New Delhi&sa=Search&ref='>Delhi, India. The Company deals in garments, furnishings, fabrics and ethnic products. The major part of the Company is based on textile. It also provides online shopping Services. The address and contact number of Fab India Kolkata is also used for www.fabIndia.com, Fab India Kolkata hindustan park, Fab India Kolkata gariahat, Fab India outlets in Kolkata , Fab India gariahat, Fab India Kolkata collection, Fab India Kolkata branches and Fab India Kolkata furniture. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Fab India Kolkata is mentioned in below section.

Address of Fab India Kolkata

The address of Fab India Kolkata is Off Gariahat Road, Hindustan Park, Opposite South Indian Club, Gariahat, 16, Hindusthan Road, Kalighat, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Contact Number of Fab India Kolkata

The contact number of Fab India Kolkata is 033 2465 6955.

Email Address of Fab India Kolkata

The email address of Fab India Kolkata is .

Website of Fab India Kolkata

The Website of Fab India Kolkata is www.fabindia.com.

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Fab India Kolkata Address Contact Number
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