Faan Address and Contact Number

Faan Contact Phone Number is : 01-4970335-7

and Address is Murtala Muhammed International Airport Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria
FAAN stands for Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria. It is a servICE organization. The organization was set up in the year 1935. Chief Ibitimi Banigu is the chairman of the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria. It is answerable for the management of all commercial airports in Nigeria and offer Services to passengers and airlines. The organization is situated in Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria. Faan has operates many airports namely Kaduna Airport, Nnamdi Azikiwe InterNational Airport, Murtala Muhammed InterNational Airport, Mallam Aminu Kano InterNational Airport, Maiduguri InterNational Airport, Port Harcourt InterNational Airport. The address and contact number of Faan is also used for managing director Faan, Faan nigeria recruitment , Faan nigeria jobs, interNational airports Nigeria. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Faan is mentioned in below section.

Address of Faan

The address of Faan is Murtala Muhammed International Airport Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria.

Contact Number of Faan

The contact number of Faan is 01-4970335-7.

Email Address of Faan

The email address of Faan is .

Website of Faan

The Website of Faan is www.faannigeria.org.

Faan Source of Knowledge

Faan Address Contact Number
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