Estadio Azteca Address and Contact Number
Estadio Azteca Contact Phone Number is : +52 55 5487 3100
and Address is Calzada de Tlalpan 3665, Santa Ursula Coapa, Tlalpan, 04950 Mexico City, Distrito Federal, MexicoEstadio Azteca is a Football Stadium located in Mexico City. The Stadium is home for the Mexico National Football team and the Mexican team Club America. It was opened on May 29, 1966, and got renovate in 1985. Estadio Azteca Stadium is owned by Televisa, a Mexican multimedia mass media Company of Latin America. Club América has been operation the Stadium. The Stadium has grass surface, and capacity of about 105,000 spectators. 856 executive suites are offered by the Stadium which are architect by Pedro Ramírez Vázquez Rafael Mijares Alcérreca. The address and contact number of Estadio Azteca is also used for Estadio Azteca letra, Estadio Azteca calamaro, Estadio Azteca capaCIDad, Estadio Azteca tour, Estadio Azteca acordes and Estadio Azteca lyrics. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Estadio Azteca is mentioned in below section.
Address of Estadio Azteca
The address of Estadio Azteca is Calzada de Tlalpan 3665, Santa Ursula Coapa, Tlalpan, 04950 Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico.Contact Number of Estadio Azteca
The contact number of Estadio Azteca is +52 55 5487 3100.Email Address of Estadio Azteca
The email address of Estadio Azteca is .Website of Estadio Azteca
The Website of Estadio Azteca is this information
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