Epza Address and Contact Number

Epza Contact Phone Number is : +254-45- 6626421

and Address is PO Box 50563, Nairobi 00200, Kenya
Export Processing Zone Authority is an Government agency. It is located in Nairobi 00200, Kenya. EPZA has many branches but Kenya is main branch. It was established in 1990. The total area of agency is 582,650 sq Km. The mission of the agency is investments in economic zones. The new strategic plan of the agency is to transform the policy, Legal and regulatory Environment. This authority has provides various export Services such as :Business Process Outsourcing, Export Marketing Support Services,Transport Services, Export of Consultancy and Professional Services etc. EPZA has more than 40,000 workers. The address and contact number of Epza is also used for Epza job hiring, Epza jobs, Epza hiring, Epza companies and Epza contacts. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Epza is mentioned in below section.

Address of Epza

The address of Epza is PO Box 50563, Nairobi 00200, Kenya.

Contact Number of Epza

The contact number of Epza is +254-45- 6626421.

Email Address of Epza

The email address of Epza is info@epzakenya.com.

Website of Epza

The Website of Epza is .

Epza Address Contact Number
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