Emre Altug Address and Contact Number
Emre Altug Contact Phone Number is : +90 3128605500
and Address is 244 West Point, Wellington Street, Leeds, United Kingdom, LS1 4JTEmre Altug is Turkish actor and singer. His ability to combine modern pop sounds with traditional Middle Eastern music has been acclaimed, resulting in a distinctive and vivid sound that is easily recognizable. Overall, Emre Altug has gained popularity in the Turkish music scene and is well-liked due to the universal appeal of his music. With the success of "Ibret-i Alem" in 1999, he gave more than 100 concerts. With the concert he gave in Silopi, Sirnak, he won the title of the first artist to give a concert. After her first album, she starred in the movie "Asansor" starring Mustafa Ugurlu and Arzu Yanardag. Emre Altug has a wide variety of hit songs that have become incredibly popular among his followers. Fans of Pop music in Turkey and elsewhere love him for his ability to write original, catchy compositions. Currently He was planning to release an English album, for which he traveled to the US and wanted to start working with Mark Feist and Damon Sharpe. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Emre Altug is mentioned in below section.
Address of Emre Altug
The address of Emre Altug is 244 West Point, Wellington Street, Leeds, United Kingdom, LS1 4JT.Contact Number of Emre Altug
The contact number of Emre Altug is +90 3128605500.Email Address of Emre Altug
The email address of Emre Altug is ealtug@ford.com.tr..Website of Emre Altug
The Website of Emre Altug is www.ealtugmusic.com.tr.Contact Person of Emre Altug
The contact person of Emre Altug is Emre Altug.Email this information
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