Eiilm Kolkata Address and Contact Number

Eiilm Kolkata Contact Phone Number is : 9163393623

and Address is 6, Waterloo Street, 2nd Floor, Kolkata, West Bengal 700069 033 2210 0911
EIILM University Kolkata is a branch of EIILM University. Dr. R. P. Banerjee is the director of this branch. This University is known for its good Study material. It provides courses in various technical and non technical disciplines. This University is an ISO 9001:14001 certified University. Business India magazine awarded A++ rating to this University. The address and contact number of Eiilm Kolkata is also used for Eiilm MBA, Eiilm Kolkata ranking, Eiilm Kolkata fee structure, Eiilm MBA kolkata, eastern Institute for integrated learning in management (eiilm) Kolkata, Eiilm Kolkata MBA review, course fee of mba in Eiilm Kolkata and Eiilm University. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Eiilm Kolkata is mentioned in below section.

Address of Eiilm Kolkata

The address of Eiilm Kolkata is 6, Waterloo Street, 2nd Floor, Kolkata, West Bengal 700069 033 2210 0911.

Contact Number of Eiilm Kolkata

The contact number of Eiilm Kolkata is 9163393623.

Email Address of Eiilm Kolkata

The email address of Eiilm Kolkata is eiilm@vsnl.com.

Website of Eiilm Kolkata

The Website of Eiilm Kolkata is eiilm.edu.in.

Contact Person of Eiilm Kolkata

The contact person of Eiilm Kolkata is Mr. Prem Raj Kharbanda.

Eiilm Kolkata Source of Knowledge

Eiilm Kolkata Address Contact Number
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