Donovan Bailey Address and Contact Number

Donovan Bailey Contact Phone Number is : +1 (800) 916-6008

and Address is 169 Canada Olympic Road SW Canada Olympic Park Calgary, AB T3B6B7
Donovan Bailey OC OOnt is a retired Jamaican-Canadian sprinter. He once held the world record for the 100 metres. He recorded a time of 9.84 seconds to become Olympic champion in 1996. He was the first Canadian to legally break the 10-second barrier in the 100 m. Particularly noted for his top speed, Bailey ran 12.10 m/s (43.6 km/h; 27.1 mph) in his 1996 Olympic title run, the fastest ever recorded by a human at the time. He was inducted into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame in 2004 as an individual athlete and in 2008 as part of the 1996 Summer Olympics 4x100 relay team. Bailey is a respected leader in both business and public settings. He has demonstrated his leadership skills as the driving force behind Bailey Inc. for over 25 year. Bailey has a visionary approach and strategic acumen. He held a vision of being the fastest man in the world before there was any proof of it being true. Bailey is involved with several charities, including Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada and the Donovan Bailey Foundation. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Donovan Bailey is mentioned in below section.

Address of Donovan Bailey

The address of Donovan Bailey is 169 Canada Olympic Road SW Canada Olympic Park Calgary, AB T3B6B7.

Contact Number of Donovan Bailey

The contact number of Donovan Bailey is +1 (800) 916-6008.

Email Address of Donovan Bailey

The email address of Donovan Bailey is

Website of Donovan Bailey

The Website of Donovan Bailey is

Contact Person of Donovan Bailey

The contact person of Donovan Bailey is Donovan Bailey.

Donovan Bailey Source of Knowledge
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