Don Bosco Institute of Technology Address and Contact Number

Don Bosco Institute of Technology Contact Phone Number is : +91-22-25042424, 25040508, 25042018, Fax : +91-22-25040682

and Address is Don Bosco Institute Of Technology, Premier Automobiles Road, Opposite Fiat Company, Kurla West, Mumbai- 400070, Maharashtra, India
Don Bosco Institute of Technology is a Famous Educational Institute in India. The Institute offers Education in many Engineering and other technical courses. The Institute is having well equipped Research labs, eletronic labs, computer labs and other labs. The Institute is approved by AICTE. The Institute was established in the year 2001. Dr. N G Joag is currently serving as its principal. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Don Bosco Institute of Technology is mentioned in below section.

Address of Don Bosco Institute of Technology

The address of Don Bosco Institute of Technology is Don Bosco Institute Of Technology, Premier Automobiles Road, Opposite Fiat Company, Kurla West, Mumbai- 400070, Maharashtra, India.

Contact Number of Don Bosco Institute of Technology

The contact number of Don Bosco Institute of Technology is +91-22-25042424, 25040508, 25042018, Fax : +91-22-25040682.

Email Address of Don Bosco Institute of Technology

The email address of Don Bosco Institute of Technology is

Website of Don Bosco Institute of Technology

The Website of Don Bosco Institute of Technology is

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Don Bosco Institute of Technology Address Contact Number
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