Dgp Jharkhand Address and Contact Number

Dgp Jharkhand Contact Phone Number is : 0651-2400737

and Address is Police Headquarters, DPRD Building, HEC Dhurwa, Ranchi, Jharkhand-834004, India
GS Rath is the current Director General of the PolICE in Ranchi,
Jharkhand, India and he holds his offICE in 2011. DGP is the highest rank PolICE OffICEr in the Indian State. DGP is also called as the Additional Director general of PolICE (ADGP).
He involved in many anti terrorist activities and removing of corruption in Jharkhand. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dgp Jharkhand is mentioned in below section.

Address of Dgp Jharkhand

The address of Dgp Jharkhand is Police Headquarters, DPRD Building, HEC Dhurwa, Ranchi, Jharkhand-834004, India.

Contact Number of Dgp Jharkhand

The contact number of Dgp Jharkhand is 0651-2400737.

Email Address of Dgp Jharkhand

The email address of Dgp Jharkhand is nahmad@jharkhandpolice.gov.in.

Website of Dgp Jharkhand

The Website of Dgp Jharkhand is www.jharkhandpolice.gov.in.

Contact Person of Dgp Jharkhand

The contact person of Dgp Jharkhand is GS Rath.

Dgp Jharkhand Source of Knowledge

Dgp Jharkhand Address Contact Number
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Mr. Anindya Guha RoyJan 17, 2015
My sister was married at Ghatsila in the year 1998. After that she was faced mental and physical torture by her Husband. From last three yrs. She and her son Staying with us at kolkata. My sister and her son didn't getting money from her Husband. We filed a case against her Husband in Alipore Court at Kolkata. Our Advocated made a recovery Draft of Stridhan property for Officer IN Charge Ghatsila Police Station, but unfortunately Ghatsila Police didn't Co-operate with us. The Office In Charge of Ghatsila Police Station didn't entertain us when we went at Ghatsila on the date 07. 01. 2015. Other officers uggested us to meet with local leaders for understanding. The Stridhan property have in the Custody of my Sister Husband. He do not want to return back to us. I sent regarding this matter to SSP office Nd also other senior Police officers, but do not get any response from their end. So Sir I requesting you it is the time to need your help.
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