Companies House Uk Address and Contact Number

Companies House Uk Contact Phone Number is : +44 303 123 4500

and Address is Crown Way, Cardiff CF14 3UZ, United Kingdom.
Companies House Scotland is a part of Companies House agency. Companies House is a United Kingdom based agency to register the companies in the Country. Headquarters of the Companies House agency is located in Cardiff. This agency works under the Companies Act 2006 of UK and makes registration compulsory for the companies in UK. The address and contact number of Companies House Uk is also used for Companies House Uk directors search, Companies House Uk forms, Companies House Uk annual return, Companies House Uk login, Companies House Uk name search, Companies House Uk webcheck and Companies House Uk disqualified directors register. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Companies House Uk is mentioned in below section.

Address of Companies House Uk

The address of Companies House Uk is Crown Way, Cardiff CF14 3UZ, United Kingdom..

Contact Number of Companies House Uk

The contact number of Companies House Uk is +44 303 123 4500.

Email Address of Companies House Uk

The email address of Companies House Uk is

Website of Companies House Uk

The Website of Companies House Uk is

Companies House Uk Source of Knowledge
Companies House Uk Address Contact Number
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