Columbia Tower Seattle Address and Contact Number

Columbia Tower Seattle Contact Phone Number is : +1 206-622-2010

and Address is No 701, Fifth Avenue, Seattle, Washington, USA
Columbia Center is tallest skyscraper in the Seattle downtown which covers the area of 4th and 5th Avenues and Cherry and Columbia Streets. It is also regarded as the tallest building in the Pacific NorthWest region of North America. The skyscraper was designed by Washington architect Chester L. Lindsey. The tallest skyscraper houses contains stories. The construction work of this building started in 1982 and completed in 1985.Its former name are Bank of America Tower Columbia Sea first Center. It is 933 feet high. The address and contact number of Columbia Tower Seattle is also used for Columbia Tower Seattle mile high club, Columbia Tower Seattle wedding, Columbia Tower Seattle parking, Columbia Tower Seattle Starbucks, Columbia Tower Seattle food court, Columbia Tower Seattle directory and Columbia Tower Seattle restaurant. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Columbia Tower Seattle is mentioned in below section.

Address of Columbia Tower Seattle

The address of Columbia Tower Seattle is No 701, Fifth Avenue, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Contact Number of Columbia Tower Seattle

The contact number of Columbia Tower Seattle is +1 206-622-2010.

Email Address of Columbia Tower Seattle

The email address of Columbia Tower Seattle is .

Website of Columbia Tower Seattle

The Website of Columbia Tower Seattle is .

Columbia Tower Seattle Address Contact Number
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