Coleg Glan Hafren Address and Contact Number

Coleg Glan Hafren Contact Phone Number is : +44 30 30 30 10 10

and Address is Trowbridge Road, Rumney The Parade, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Coleg Glan Hafren is a Further Education College situated in Cardiff, United Kingdom. The College is imparting Education to more than 12,000 Students. Coleg Glan Hafren runs about 800 courses that includes Law, Marketing and Accounting; Hair and Beauty; Access, ESOL and Open Door; Sport, Catering, Childcare and Travel and Tourism; Creative and Digital courses and Engineering and Construction Technology courses. The address and contact number of Coleg Glan Hafren is also used for Coleg Glan Hafren rumney, Coleg Glan Hafren part time courses, Coleg Glan Hafren term dates and Coleg Glan Hafren moodle. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Coleg Glan Hafren is mentioned in below section.

Address of Coleg Glan Hafren

The address of Coleg Glan Hafren is Trowbridge Road, Rumney The Parade, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of Coleg Glan Hafren

The contact number of Coleg Glan Hafren is +44 30 30 30 10 10.

Email Address of Coleg Glan Hafren

The email address of Coleg Glan Hafren is

Website of Coleg Glan Hafren

The Website of Coleg Glan Hafren is

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Coleg Glan Hafren Address Contact Number
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